Uganda Venture A Sustainable Microcredit Initiative

by: Sujit Sur, Anisa Awad

Publication Date: December 2, 2014
Length: 24 pages
Product ID#: 1-429-399

Core Disciplines: Accounting/Finance, Base of the Pyramid, International Business, Social Impact, Strategy & Management

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Uganda Venture is a social enterprise working toward alleviating poverty in Uganda. It began a microcredit initiative in 2013, extending loans to those in the agriculture and business sector. With difficulties in identify target audiences, its distribution mode, and market positioning, the long term sustainability of the microcredit initiative is wavering. From this case, students will gain perspective on the BoP, the principles needed for successful BoP ventures, and be able to apply critical thinking and analytical skills in a microfinance context.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Evaluate the BoP venture development principles in a cross-national setting.
  • Provide students with an opportunity to develop their analytic, planning, and decision making skills in a microfinance context.
  • Formulate a strategic plan for overcoming the innovation gap between a successful pilot venture and designing a scalable self-sustaining BoP initiative.