Chobani, LLC: Growing a Brand and an Industry

by: Ryan Atkins

Publication Date: April 28, 2016
Length: 16 pages
Product ID#: 1-430-488

Core Disciplines: Entrepreneurship & Innovation, International Business, Marketing/Sales, Strategy & Management

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Hamdi Ulukaya, the owner of Chobani, is considering how to grow his organization going forward. The company has been hugely successful since its launch in 2007, albeit with some missteps. Chobani just raised $750 million in capital. The questions are looming: Should Ulukaya use this round of funding to expand internationally? How about growing more slowly? What about an initial public offering? He will have to make a decision soon. Industry analysts, Wall Street, and his competitors will be watching.

Teaching Objectives

After reading and discussing the material, students should:

  • Examine the dynamics of the dairy industry.
  • Examine the impact of government regulations on business decisions.
  • Analyze facility location decisions.
  • Evaluate global expansion options.
  • Evaluate funding and ownership options for a rapidly growing brand.